1 Dienstleistungen | 2 Pferde |
1 Škola jahanja / Riding school | 1 Lipicaner / Lipizzaner |
2 Jahanje u ispustu / Riding in paddock | 2 Bosansko brdski / Bosnian |
3 Konjičke ture sa vodičem / Cross country riding with | 3 Arap / Pure-bred arab |
4 Vožnja zapregom / Carriage driving | 4 Poni / Pony |
5 Pansion za konje / Keeping a horse at livery | 5 Hlandokrvni / Coldblood |
6 Iznajmljivanje konja / Rent a horse | 6 Engleski punokrvnjak/ English thoroughbred |
7 Terapijsko jahanje / Therapeutic riding | 7 Haflinger |
8 Kamp za decu / Horse camp for children | 8 Quarter horse |
9 Priredbe sa konjima / Events with horses | 9 Kasač / Trotter |
10 Organizacija sportskog događaja / Sport events | 10 Hanoveranac / Hanoverian |
11 Potkivanje / Shoeing | 11 Ostalo / Other |
12 Veterinar / Veterinarian | |
13 Ostalo / Other | |
3 Andere Dienstleistungen | 4 Infrastruktur |
1 Smeštaj / Accomodation | 1 Štala / Stable |
2 Ishrana / Meal | 2 Ispust / Paddock |
3 Organizovanje raznih priredbi / Event organization | 3 Manjež / Course |
4 Wellness | 4 Pokriveni manjež / Riding-hall |
5 Ostalo / Other | 5 Ostalo / Other |
Provided by the RCC Tourism Development and Promotion Project’s Grant Programme |
The Project is funded by the European Union | |
Disclaimer: This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European
Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Fund for Microregional Tourism Cluster
Subotica Palić and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Regional Cooperation Council or the
European Union.
Activities are conducted through a grant provided by the Regional Cooperation Council’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project. The Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the RCC in an effort to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the six Western Balkans economies by supporting development and promotion of joint regional cultural and adventure tourism offer. |