Balkan Riding Routes

Horseback riding routes across the Balkan

Opšti cilj projekta je razvoj novog turističkog proizvoda uz saradnju dve zemlje. Kao specičan cilj projekta, formira se staza za jahanje, ruta od Vojvodine do Bosne i Hercegovine, koja je povezana sa Via Dinaricom. Ruta jahanja, konjička ruta uključuje više od 50 naselja u dve zemlje. Specični cilj projekta je stvaranje novog turističkog proizvoda dve zemlje, koji će privući više posetilaca i turista u ove krajeve. Osim toga, saradnja zainteresovanih strana sa obe strane, doprineće upoznavanju domaćih i stranih posetilaca s kulturnom i prirodnom baštinom regija. Drugi cilj ove rute je, da se poljoprivrednicima uzgajivačima konja, konjičkim centrima i drugim pojedincima koji se bave sa konjima a nemaju adekvatne izvore prihoda, omogući da se pridruže ovoj ruti i na taj način ostvare dodatne prihode na osnovu sopstvenog doprinosa.

Provided by the RCC Tourism Development and
Promotion Project’s Grant Programme
The Project is funded by the European Union
Disclaimer: This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Fund for Microregional Tourism Cluster Subotica Palić and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Regional Cooperation Council or the European Union.

Activities are conducted through a grant provided by the Regional Cooperation Council’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project. The Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the RCC in an effort to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the six Western Balkans economies by supporting development and promotion of joint regional cultural and adventure tourism offer.